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Soal PAS Bahasa Inggris Kelas 10 Tingkat SMA/MA Lengkap Kunci Jawabannya.

Pada kesempatan ini, kami berbagi Soal PAS Bahasa Inggris Kelas 10 Tingkat SMA/MA Tahun Pelajaran 2020/2021 Lengkap Kunci Jawabannya.

Tujuannya sebagai referensi dalam mempersiapkan diri untuk menghadapi ujian pada semester ini.

Berikut Soal PAS Bahasa Inggris Kelas 10 SMA/MA Tahun Pelajaran 2020/2021:

A. Choose the correct answer a, b, c or d!

1. My parents … fishing with their friends
a. went
b. goes
c. go
d. going

2. Siti: Mr. Katara, I’d like to introduce my self. _____ a new secretary at Inc.
Mr. Harjono: How do you do? It’s nice to meet you.
Yuli: How do you do? It’s nice to meet you, too.
a. She’s Siti
b. I’m Harjono
c. I’m Siti
d. He’s Harjono

3. Nowadays people prefer using small cars than big ones because they are more…
a. economic
b. economically
c. economical
d. economize

4. Wooden – shelves – small – orange – move – Winda – the – to – living – room
The correct arrangement of the sentence is…..
a. Winda move the orange small wooden shelves to the kitchen
b. Winda move wooden small orange shelves to the kitchen
c. Winda move the shelves wooden small orange to the kitchen
d. Winda move the small orange wooden shelves to kitchen

5. Mr. Bondy is a performer. His work is to make a joke and make people laugh. He usually
performs on a television program. He is so funny and makes other people feel happy. He is
a ...
a. workharder
b. comedian
c. consultant
d. singer

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6. ... If borrow this book ?
a. would
b. may
c. do you mind
d. want you

7. ... I take your umbrella ?
a. do you mind
b. will
c. could
d. want

8. Mrs. Susi: How are you, Mrs. Betty?
Mrs. Betty : Fine thanks, ... Mrs. Susi.
Mrs. Susi: Me too.
a. Nice to meet you
b. Never mind
c. Can I help you?
d. See you then

9. A: Hi, my name is Khansa. How do you do?
B: ... , nice to meet you.
a. How are you?
b. I’m fine
c. How do you do
d. I’m alright

10. As I don’t have enough capital to start a business, I would like to apply for a ... from the
a. loan
b. cash
c. debit
d. deposit

11. The boys ... the jacket must be a tourist
a. wears
b. wearing
c. to wear
d. she wears

12. Dian and Yunita ... professional dancers.
a. am
b. are
c. is
d. was

13. Daughter: Mom, have you seen my report card?
Mother : Sure. You are great, my daughter. I’m....
Daughter: Thank you, mom.
a. ashamed of you
b. stolen up with you
c. happy to hear that
d. very proud of you

14. Supri ... to his office by bus.
a. goes
b. gone
c. had gone
d. go

15. Fariz ... to his office by his car.
a. goes
b. gone
c. had gone
d. go

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II. Answers these questions correctly !

1. ‘I’d never seen Borobudur tempel until I Visited the Borobudur temple in Magelang city
means ...
Answer: I saw Borobudur temple for the first time in the Magelang city

2. October 23th 1983. The correct way to say this expression is ...
Answer: October the twenty third, nineteen eighty three.

3. Customer : ......................
Waiter : Certainly, madam. I’ll bring your drink soon.
Answer: I’d like some coffee/ a cup of tea/ milk/ minerals (etc), please

4. Harun : Good morning. May I speak to Ulfi?
Ulfi : It’s me. Who’s speaking?
Harun : I am Harun. Ulfi, why were you absent from class?
Ulfi : I got a fever two days ago and I am still not well.
Harun : Oh, dear. I hope ……
Ulfi : Thanks.
Answer: You’ll get better soon

5. Solihin didn’t like the movies and neither did Paijo.
This sentences means ....
Answer: Both Solihin and Paijo didn’t like the movie

NEW INFO Selain berbagi lewat blog atau website, kami juga berbagi lewat channel youtube "DUNIA PENDIDIKAN". Oleh karena itu, mari kita dukung channel ini dengan cara like, subscribe, comment dan share.

Pada kesempatan ini juga, kami berbagi gambaran daftar isi Perangkat Buku Kerja Guru 1, 2, 3 dan 4 pelajaran agama dan umum tingkat pendidikan sebagai persiapan dalam menghadapi semester genap tahun pelajaran 2020/2021.
  1. Kaper
  2. Halaman Pengesahan
  3. SKL, KI dan KD
  4. Silabus
  5. RPP
  6. KKM
  1. Kaver
  2. Halaman Pengesahan
  3. Kode Etik Guru
  4. Ikrar Guru
  5. Tata Tertib Guru
  6. Pembiasaan Guru
  7. Kalender Pendidikan
  8. Analisis Alokasi Waktu
  9. Program Tahunan
  10. Program Semester
  11. Jurnal Agenda Guru
  1. Kaver
  2. Halaman Pengesahan
  3. Daftar Hadir Siswa
  4. Daftar Nilai Siswa
  5. Penilaian Sikap Spritual dan Sosial
  6. Analisis Hasil Penilaian
  7. Program Remidial dan Pengayaan
  8. Daftar Buku Pegangan Guru dan Siswa
  9. Jadwal Mengajar Guru
  10. Daya Serap Siswa
  11. Kumpulan Kisi-Kisi Soal
  12. Kumpulan Soal
  13. Analisis Butir Soal
  14. Perbaikan Soal
  1. Daftar Evaluasi Diri Kerja Guru
  2. Program Tindak Lanjut Kerja Guru
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